2014年4月29日 星期二
誰最快? 最大免費容量? 13 家中國 + 海外雲端儲存比併
手機相片同步 Storage:COPY/Dropbox
單純想把手機相片自動同步到網上,15 GB 的 COPY 可謂非常好用,容量大速度亦十分夠用。而最重要的是,當有團體的旅行相要與好友 Share,全放上去可以平分容量,實在太正。此外,如果本身的 Dropbox 已有十數 GB 或數十 GB 的增量,也可使用 Dropbox,不過共同分享相片就要各自扣容量了。
商務/學校 Project 用:Google Drive
Google Drive 有著良好的文書編輯功能,不比 Box.com 差,而且共同協作也很方便,是文書工作 Storage 的好幫手。唯一缺點是 Google Drive 15GB 容量是包括 Google+ 與 GMail,如使用 Google+ 同步相片或有大量附件電郵,建立申請多幾個帳號使用。
重視速度,最緊要快:Google Drive
無論是上下傳速度,Google Drive 都有驚人的表現,在 Wi-Fi 環境下仍有數 MB/s 的成績。如果在 LAN 環境下,更有接近 20MB/s 的超高速度。
大量檔案分享用:360 雲盤
360 雲盤一開始已有驚人的容量,而且擁有中國服務中最高的載速度,對於時常分享檔案給別人下載可有較好的效果。不過缺點是其單檔限制有 360MB,必需使用其桌面軟件才可上載更大 Size 的檔案。
2014年4月25日 星期五
2014年4月22日 星期二
How to use Snap on BlackBerry 10.2.1 to install Android APK files
肥媽《食平DD》- 雞翼十吃無難度
食譜: 薯仔紅蘿蔔番茄炆雞翼
材料: 雞翼(切件)、馬鈴薯、紅蘿蔔、番茄、薑
調味: 黃糖、紹興酒、麻油、水
食譜: 可樂雞翼
材料: 雞翼
調味: 可樂、生抽、老抽
食譜: 瑞士雞翼
材料: 新鮮雞翼、桂皮、香葉、果皮
調味: 冰糖、老抽、生抽、甜豉油
食譜: 土匪雞翼
材料: 雞翼
調味: 孜然粉、孜然粒、黑芝麻
做法 : a. 孜然粒壓碎, 加少少鹽及孜然粉醃一回, 最後加上黑芝麻 b. 放入光波爐, 220C
食譜: 金針雲耳蒸雞翼
材料: 雞翼、金針(預先浸泡並綁成結狀)、雲耳
調味: 紹興酒、麻油、生抽、鹽、糖、豆粉、麻油
食譜: 叉燒雞翼
調味: 柱侯醬、叉燒醬、玫瑰露、蜜糖
食譜: 墨魚滑釀雞翼
材料: 雞翼(去骨)、墨魚滑
調味: 生粉
食譜: 三色釀雞翼
材料: 雞中翼(去骨)、綠燈籠椒、紅燈籠椒、西芹、薑
食譜: 香檸蜜汁雞翼
調味: 紅菇粉、鹽、生粉、檸檬汁、檸檬皮、蜜糖、豆粉、水
食譜: 薯片雞翼
材料: 雞翼、薯片(壓碎)或粟米片、蛋白
食譜: Tiramisu手造雪糕
材料: 淡忌廉300-400克、即溶咖啡粉、煉奶、雲呢拿油
2014年4月17日 星期四
2014年4月16日 星期三
blurry text rendering on Windows 7
blurry text rendering on Windows 7
This worked for me with Chrome running on Windows 7 laptop with 1920*1200 display (where even large fonts setting in Windows is too small for me to read easily) ...
Set Custom DPI Setting (in Display control panel). In my case, I chose the largest setting, 200% in order to make text readable in most programs.
Turned on and tuned Clear Type.
Run Chrome in compatibility mode with "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings" checked. (and I may use this option for other programs that don't display well with Custom DPI Setting at 200%).
Use extensions like Zoom to increase & save zoom settings for various pages in Chrome.
I can now see very clearly in Chrome -- this is the Bing forum, right? ;-) -- and text size etc. is the way I like it, like it, like it in Chrome and throughout Win 7.
or ------------
I found the best solution for this problem in Windows 7:
(1) go to C:\Users\[insert login]\AppData\Local\Google\ Chrome\Application
(2) right click chrome.exe ->Properties -> Compatibility
(3) check box for "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings"
(4) restart chrome
(5) Open chrome Options -> Under The Hood -> Change Font and Language Settings
(6) Change the size of either the Serif or Sans Serif to 22 point font and Change the fixed width font size to 22
Everything is crisp and readable for me now
This worked for me with Chrome running on Windows 7 laptop with 1920*1200 display (where even large fonts setting in Windows is too small for me to read easily) ...
Set Custom DPI Setting (in Display control panel). In my case, I chose the largest setting, 200% in order to make text readable in most programs.
Turned on and tuned Clear Type.
Run Chrome in compatibility mode with "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings" checked. (and I may use this option for other programs that don't display well with Custom DPI Setting at 200%).
Use extensions like Zoom to increase & save zoom settings for various pages in Chrome.
I can now see very clearly in Chrome -- this is the Bing forum, right? ;-) -- and text size etc. is the way I like it, like it, like it in Chrome and throughout Win 7.
or ------------
I found the best solution for this problem in Windows 7:
(1) go to C:\Users\[insert login]\AppData\Local\Google\
(2) right click chrome.exe ->Properties -> Compatibility
(3) check box for "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings"
(4) restart chrome
(5) Open chrome Options -> Under The Hood -> Change Font and Language Settings
(6) Change the size of either the Serif or Sans Serif to 22 point font and Change the fixed width font size to 22
Everything is crisp and readable for me now
2014年4月15日 星期二
2014年4月14日 星期一
2014年4月9日 星期三
都市運動Guide:收肚動作技巧 -- Plank
都市運動Guide:無器材健身 一個動作練全身 -- L sit
都市運動Guide:收肚動作技巧 -- Plank
都市運動Guide:無器材健身 一個動作練全身 -- L sit
上星期與讀者講解了寫商業電郵的三大基本要訣,今次就讓我們繼續探討其他的幾個箇中指引。而其中一個經常被人忽略的是如何寫一個清楚精準的標題(subject line)。
1. Have a meaningful subject line 標題要有意思
筆者高峰時曾每天收過百封電郵,在有限時間內,只能篩選最重要的來閱讀,而篩選的方法就是靠每封電郵的標題(subject line)。一個差劣的標題往往會使你的電郵被忽略,甚至石沉大海。要寫一個精簡而有意思的標題其實也要一些竅門的,大家只須記着一個「首字母縮略字」(acronym) -SMART:
Specific (特定)
標題不能太籠統,如是有關下星期三的員工會議,不能只寫Meeting,應寫Staff Meeting for Next Wednesday。
用詞、語氣等亦要恰當,如你不是一個習慣呼呼喝喝的上司,就請不要用“Where’s the file I want?”等極之粗暴不當的標題了。
一些與電郵內容完全沒有關係的字眼請不要加進標題裏。曾經看過一個確定筆者會議時間與地點的電郵,標題竟然是“Happy hour later?”。會議還未開始就已經操心之後的消遣,感覺很不專業。
· [blank] (空白標題)
· Important! Read Immediately!
· Help! Help! Help!
曾經收過一封同事求教的電郵,標題沒有一項符合 SMART的要求。看到這樣的一個緊急標題,心裏不禁為該同事的人生安全擔憂,希望他有即時報警求助。在那千軍一髮時還發電郵給我難道是給我一封遺書?
· Quick Question
這原本是精而簡的,但卻過分簡短,究竟這quick question是關於什麼?若你之後再有一個quick quesiton而用相同的標題,收件人又怎樣分辨?難道要用“quicker question”和“the quickest question”來辨別?其實在最後簡單加上問題的內容便可,如Quick Question on Revised Staff Hiring Criteria。
· That File You Requested
這有着同樣的問題,究竟是要求哪一個文件? 如日後要發類似的郵件,難道要用“this file”、“the file”、“these files”、“those files”? 我們可改為Your Requested 2014 Budget。
讓我們看看以下正確地運用了 SMART的例子:
· 10 Bookings Confirmed for Friday
· Revised Agenda for Wed’s Meeting
· Proposed Rundown for K&F Wedding Party
· Tentative Staff Roster for September
· Change of Conference Venue on 10 Oct
· Minutes of General Staff Meeting on 9 Sep
最後不得不提的是有些懶人把整個電郵的內容都放在標題上,如“Do you have the new floor plan? If so, please send it to me.” ,便發出一個水蛇春標題的空白電郵。這趨勢似乎逐漸普及,筆者看到這些惰性電郵都會反一反白眼,然後回覆“Sorry, but your email is blank.”。
2. Avoid unnecessary attachment 避免不必要的附件
不少在職人士習慣在Microsoft Word上預先寫好電郵的內容,目的是為了使用Word的串字與文法改錯功能(Spell & Grammar check)。這其實並無不妥,但之後又會直接把整個Word檔案作為附件發出去。收件人收到的會是一個沒有內容、只有一個Word附件的空白電郵。要閱讀內容,必先要打開Word,離開了電郵的界面,的確費時失事。如要用 Word幫你草擬電郵,請移玉手把內容複製及貼上電郵正文內。如連“copy and paste”都懶做,不如whatsapp算吧,不要高攀人家發電郵這種玩意。
3. Don’t be too hasty in hitting send. 不要太匆忙按“send”
不像書信般要花一兩天才寄到收信人那裏,也不似電話般對着一個真人對話,電郵是「即時」(instant)及「遙遠」(distant)的。正因這樣,我們可能不小心寫了一些令我們後悔的不當字句,而那些說話一旦我們按了send後,是「白紙黑字」的永遠不能收回。所以寫完電郵內容後,必須花少少時間把它閱讀一遍,校對無誤後方可安心按 send。
1. Be short and concise簡而精
2. Use more paragraphs多利用段落
3. Don’t be too informal不能太隨便
商業電郵始終是職場上的來往,那管是內部的通訊也不能過分親切隨便。那些“Hey, what’s up man?”、”Yo! Baby!” 等請留待whatsapp才用吧。
這星期就讓我們從電郵的開端說起。開首的稱呼語(salutation)一般以“Dear xx”或“Hi xx”為標準。假如你與收件人(recipient)的關係並不是太熟絡(例如客戶、僱主、合作機構等),你可以用以下的正統 (formal)稱呼:
· Dear Sir,
· Dear Madam,
Dear Sirs,
· Dear Sir/ Madam,
· Dear Mr. Cheng,
· Hi Kelvin,
· Hello Johnson,
稱呼語後一般都用comma (逗號),但美式英語書信較多使用colon( 冒號)。
1. I am writing to confirm/ enquire/ inform you that…
2. We would like to inform you that…
3. We are pleased/ delighted/ glad to inform you that…
4. We take the liberty of announcing to you that…
5. With reference to our telephone conversation yesterday, …
6. In my previous email on March 3, …
7. As I mentioned earlier about …
8. As you requested, …
9. In response to your email dated May 1, we decided to….
10. This is a response to your email dated (date)…
11. Replying to your email dated 3 August regarding…, I would like to point out that…
12. I received your voice message concerning … I’m wondering if you can elaborate more on it.
13. Attached please find the draft proposal for your review and comment.
Hi Kelvin,
In response to your email dated 3 March, 2014 regarding the upcoming book fair, I would like to confirm that we will book the booth HC123 with all the necessary equipment discussed in our last phone conversation.
Please send us the e-contract and we will email you the signed copy by coming Friday.
If you have any questions in the mean time, please feel free to contact me.
1. Be clear about what you want your recipient to do 清楚表示收件人應採取的行動
你是否需要收件人用電話回覆或要求對方發你一個文件?如有類似的需要,就一定要清楚說明,否則收件人很難妥善地達到你的要求。但大家請緊記基本禮貌,切忌用帶有命令的語氣,咄咄逼人,如“Send me the file right now./ Give me an answer tomorrow.”等都是欠缺禮儀,儘管是上司也不應用呼喝的語氣操暴對待員工,何況是商業夥伴或同事。以下是一些例子可供參考:
1. We would be grateful if you could…
2. Your prompt/ immediate attention to this matter is greatly/ highly/ deeply appreciated.
3. Please inform me once you have any updated news on the matter.
4. I would most appreciate meeting up if you can spare the time. Please let me know what time suits you best.
5. Please give us your preliminary thoughts on/ about this.
6. Please call me to discuss the details at your earliest (possible) convenience.
7. Would you please reply to this email if you plan to attend?
8. If possible, I hope to receive a copy of your proposal upon completion.
9. I would very much appreciate if you would send me your reply by next Monday.
10. Hope this is alright with you. If not, please let me know by email as soon as possible.
11. May I have your reply by 9 September, if possible?
12. Please keep me informed/ posted/ up-to-date on the matter.
2. Your prompt/ immediate attention to this matter is greatly/ highly/ deeply appreciated.
3. Please inform me once you have any updated news on the matter.
4. I would most appreciate meeting up if you can spare the time. Please let me know what time suits you best.
5. Please give us your preliminary thoughts on/ about this.
6. Please call me to discuss the details at your earliest (possible) convenience.
7. Would you please reply to this email if you plan to attend?
8. If possible, I hope to receive a copy of your proposal upon completion.
9. I would very much appreciate if you would send me your reply by next Monday.
10. Hope this is alright with you. If not, please let me know by email as soon as possible.
11. May I have your reply by 9 September, if possible?
12. Please keep me informed/ posted/ up-to-date on the matter.
2. State what you have attached 說明你的附件
1. Attached/ Enclosed please find the revised design for your comments.
2. Attached/ Enclosed you will find…
3. We enclose here…
4. I’ve attached here …
5. I’m attaching/ enclosing …
6. Please review the enclosed sample drawing.
7. The following supporting documents are enclosed.
8. Please find the attached draft report for your reference/ comments/ revision.
2. Attached/ Enclosed you will find…
3. We enclose here…
4. I’ve attached here …
5. I’m attaching/ enclosing …
6. Please review the enclosed sample drawing.
7. The following supporting documents are enclosed.
8. Please find the attached draft report for your reference/ comments/ revision.
Hey Mavis,
We spoke this morning and note your problem was solved. Enclosed please find the revised seating plan for your reference. Should you require any further assistance, kindly revert.
Thanks and regards,
Kelvin Cheng
1. “Hey”太過隨便,請留待whatsapp才用,現可改為“Hi”或“Hello”。
2. “Should you require…”太過正統,有點像正規書信。Kelvin與Mavis是同事關係,無需這樣拘謹,語氣可以略為輕鬆一點。
3. “Revert”指回覆,但屬於較正統的字眼。在這樣的非正規內部通訊,可用常用的字詞如 “reply”。
4. 上星期提及過的”thanks and regards”,在這裏不太合適,可用較親切的“Cheers”代替。
5. 因是內部之間的通訊,簽名一般都不需要姓氏。
Hi Mavis,
I’m so pleased that we’ve been able to find a solution to the seating arrangement problem. I’ve attached here the revised seating plan for your reference.
Good luck with future progress on this project. I’ll be here when you decide how I can help again.
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