2014年4月16日 星期三

blurry text rendering on Windows 7

blurry text rendering on Windows 7 

This worked for me with Chrome running on Windows 7 laptop with 1920*1200 display (where even large fonts setting in Windows is too small for me to read easily) ... 

Set Custom DPI Setting (in Display control panel). In my case, I chose the largest setting, 200% in order to make text readable in most programs. 

Turned on and tuned Clear Type. 

Run Chrome in compatibility mode with "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings" checked. (and I may use this option for other programs that don't display well with Custom DPI Setting at 200%). 

Use extensions like Zoom to increase & save zoom settings for various pages in Chrome. 

I can now see very clearly in Chrome -- this is the Bing forum, right? ;-) -- and text size etc. is the way I like it, like it, like it in Chrome and throughout Win 7.

or ------------
I found the best solution for this problem in Windows 7: 

(1) go to C:\Users\[insert login]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application 

(2) right click chrome.exe ->Properties -> Compatibility 

(3) check box for "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings" 

(4) restart chrome 

(5) Open chrome Options -> Under The Hood -> Change Font and Language Settings 

(6) Change the size of either the Serif or Sans Serif to 22 point font and Change the fixed width font size to 22 

Everything is crisp and readable for me now

